Ideas from Our Chefs & Dietitians

Discovering and choosing healthy food and lifestyle choices can help keep your body and mind healthy, fuel your success, and improve your overall well-being.

Empowering healthy Canadians, a priority objective of our Be Well. Do Well.TM sustainability plan, reinforces our commitment to not only providing tasty healthy options but also fostering a culture of health and wellness on campus.

Our health and wellness strategies in the dining space includes a healthy menu strategy, as well as nutrition and other wellness initiatives that promote and support healthy lifestyles.

Our on-campus programming focuses on these 4 E’s:

1) Enable a food environment that encourages health and wellbeing by offering a variety of healthy choices every day.

2) Educate, inform, and empower the student community by providing evidence-based nutrition and wellness information.

3) Encourage a heightened level of interest and excitement about healthy and local choices.

4) Engage a community that actively participates in and is connected to a culture of health and wellness.


Recipes                                                                                                     Blog Posts
For meal inspiration from our experts, check out                                     For food and nutrition-related tips and ideas from our     
the latest recipes.                                                                                       experts, check out the latest articles.


Discovering and choosing the right foods can help you unleash your best and keep you healthy. Our chefs and dietitians understand how challenging this can be so we’re here to help you discover what healthy food can do to feed your potential every day.

Check out the latest article. For more tips and ideas from our experts, join Feed Your Potential 365.

Dining HallWith trying to balance all of the studying and social activities that come with college life, having a meal plan frees up some of your time by taking the guess work out of what’s for dinner – and breakfast and lunch for that matter. With a meal plan you also get to skip frequent trips to the grocery store and the regular cooking and cleaning that goes along with having to prepare meals. Read More

  • Ideas from our Chefs and Dietitians
    Ideas from our Chefs and Dietitians
    More "feed your potential" tips, recipes and ideas from our chefs and dietitian.
  • Ideas from our Chefs and Dietitians
    Ideas from our Chefs and Dietitians
    More "feed your potential" tips, recipes and ideas from our chefs and dietitian.
  • On Campus Resources
    On Campus Resources
    Check out on campus resources to find out what your school has to keep you healthy and active.